Friday, October 28, 2011

You Can Call Me Elizabeth

Elizabeth Marie Barrett was born to Beverly Jean Small Barrett and Steven Elbert Barrett on a warm day in May.  I was named Elizabeth Marie because my mom always wanted a daughter named Beth.  My middle name is after my paternal grandmother, Alice Marie.  So, I’m Elizabeth Marie.
From the start I had a nickname.  My birth name was Elizabeth but as I mentioned my mom wanted to call me Beth. Beth is a great name, don’t get me wrong; however, my actual nickname evolved to be Bethy…not so great.  Bethy Barrett.  Not great...especially for a child who was 5’8” 100lbs in the 8th grade.  Not to mention that on every first day of school when the teacher took attendance, they called Elizabeth Barrett.  I would respond with, “Here, but everyone calls me Beth”.
As I grew older, I realized that I really liked the name Elizabeth and I really disliked being called Bethy.  I love my mom dearly and really respect her wanting to call me Beth.  But something about that name didn’t sit right with me.  I just liked Elizabeth better.  And since it was my name and my life I figured I had some control over the situation.  So, with that, at my first job at Lauer’s Superthrift, I asked them to call me Elizabeth.  And they did.  Yay me!
From then on whenever I got a new job, went off to college or met a new person, I would introduce myself as Elizabeth.  Those who knew me growing up didn’t really get it and to this day, they still call me Beth or Bethy. In fact, some of my long-time friends were almost mad at me for going by my actual name. They would roll their eyes or give me a strange look, you know the one that says, “Oh she goes by Elizabeth now excuse us” when I would say I’m Elizabeth.  Funny thing with Elizabeth…if I went by Liz, the stretch to Elizabeth wouldn’t have been that bad. But something about going from Beth to Elizabeth was unfathomable and, even, insulting to some.
Fast forward 20 years to my current job, which we will discuss later, a nickname is inescapable.  Evidently I am just not meant to be called Elizabeth.  With a name like Elizabeth, it is long, and one can expect to hear a Liz every now and then.  But my new nickname is EJ.  Which, I guess, would be ok, if I liked my last name or if I didn’t already have a nickname complex or if it was cool like Lauren Conrad’s, LC.  Regardless, I don’t dig it and it doesn’t seem to matter.  One person took to it (and I don’t even remember who now) and it spread like wild fire.  EJ is ramped.
I’ve had this discussion with several of my friends and even debated the merits of nicknaming.  A dear friend of mine loves her nickname so much so she purposely gave her baby son a nickname. She uses it to screen out those who really know her from those who just want something from her i.e. telemarketers.  She wears her nickname like a badge of honor.  For me, since I’m on the Do Not Call List, my experience with telemarketers is limited so while that is a valid point, the exposure is minimal. And, again I really just like my full name.
Whatever your nickname position, it’s an interesting human behavior that comes with very little self-control.  You may already go by a nickname and others will give you a new one based on their experience with or perception of you…good, bad or indifferent.  In the end I may be destined to be called whatever it is others want to call me…Beth, Bethy, Liz, Lizzie, or EJ. I like to think all of those nicknames are endearing coming from whoever chooses to use them.  I still remain a staunch proponent of naming your child whatever it is you are going to call him or her but I also recognize the endearment and fun that can come with nicknames.  No matter what though, if you ask me, I’d say you can call me Elizabeth. Let’s see how that continues to play out.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Time

So I've been thinking about writing a blog for quite some time now.  I read and follow other bloggers and I think, I should be doing that. Oftentimes, I will read, see or do something and I’m inspired to write about it.  My goal is not to get a ton of followers but more to put thoughts to writing and see if anyone else thinks and feels the same or even completely differently. 

To start, my name is Elizabeth Marie Barrett Jackson.  I come from a town called Pasadena, MD... “The Dena” as those of us from there affectionately call it.  My life has taken a different path than what some would say is the normal.  But then again, what really is normal?  I’ve been married and divorced, been deeply in love and lost and overall, I’m happy and blessed.  Currently I’m living the life of a thirty something single girl in a small city with big dreams.  I have a job I love but it isn’t the be all and end all.  I find myself somewhere between searching for life’s grand purpose and finding the next good time.  I’m challenged with finding the “one” but I'm not even close to the point where I will settle with a close “one”. I’m not pressed to have a baby even though my clock is ticking faster or louder with each passing day.  I’m surrounded by love and I have amazing friends and family who make the world a better place every day. 

I love to love and love to have fun with those I love.  I'm rarely bored.  I see the good in most people.  I enjoy warm weather - including humidity, beaches, shopping, fashion, traveling, cooking, Facebooking, using only one very particular kind of pen, eating delicious food and for that last reason, I enjoy exercising.  There are times I believe I was born 10 years too early but other times I think I am where I supposed to be when I'm supposed to be there.  Oh, and, I'm a Gemini...I tend to see most things from two sides and decision making is not always my friend. Like Casey Kasem put it, I keep my feet on the ground but I’m always reaching for the stars.

I’m thinking this blog will be a journal of my life’s experiences, stories from my friend’s experiences (with anonymity to protect them of course) and general thoughts, feelings and questions about life.  So, if you are interested, please check back.  I'll update as the spirit moves me and we can go from there.  I'm excited.  This is going to be fun!
xo ~