Thursday, January 10, 2013


It's 2013, so why not have 13 things on my 2013 "To Do" list?  I don't really believe in resolutions but rather goals and/or things to do in the New Year.  Since 13 is a great number and a year that has lots of promise, I can see no reason why not to have 13 things to do. So let's go...we are already 10 days in.

To Do in 2013

1.  Keep my car clean!!  As in on the inside and the outside. Keep Six spit-shined, more polished and way less cluttered and grimy.   Lofty goal, I realize. But I'm dreaming big here.

By May 17, 2013 - Yes, another lofty one, I realize.

3.  Get out and meet new and different people! Participate in networking events, training events or charitable events.  I'm going to ask questions and learn from those who are successful, happy and focused.

4.  Travel, travel and more travel!  I love makes me happy and it's so good to do.  One trip is booked, I come.  Vegas is almost booked and our annual trip to the Caribbean is being booked in the next 2 weeks.  Oh and let's not forget about our great away games next year. Chicago, I'll be there. Chicago friends, please expect me.  Miami, duh, it's always a great time.

5. Run a 1/2 marathon.  Booked. Training starts February 27, 2013.

6.  Practice (at least) 13 Random Acts of Kindness.  It's marked on my calendar each month.  They don't have to be huge or splashy...they just must be random and do you like that, constantly random?  I'll document them for the year and let know what they were and how they should do the same.  There can never be enough kindness.

7.  Join a philanthropic group.  I've been researching a few groups that interest me.  I'm not sure which one I will choose, but I will keep you posted. I'll take your suggestions too. If there is a cause you feel passionate about, let me know.  I feel my best when I am doing something for others.  So this one, while it may seem kind, is pretty self-serving.  I really like helping.

8.  Secure my housing situation for 2 years.  Most of you know I own a house in beautiful Owings Mills.  I'm living downtown, where I must stay living.  So in 2013, I'd like to secure my living situation for another 2 years. Moving is not an option.

9.  The reality is the time has come for me to make a decision about starting a family.  Obvi, that decision would be easier, given a certain someone to do it with.  But, that aside, single mamas do it all the time.  If you want something bad enough, you will have it.  No matter what.  I need to make that decision this year.

10.  I got some advice back in November that I should not wait so long to make decisions.  See also: Number 9.  He told me to listen to my heart and follow it even if it's hard.  I'm going to listen to that advice, because I know he was right.  I can look back at several situations and see where I knew the answer, but I waited to make a decision out of comfort or hope or desire, rather than it being the right decision for me.  In 2013, I'm going to improve my timely decision making and listen to my heart.

11.  Read more and continue to write.  I've slacked off on my reading as of late. I'm going to read at least 13 books this year. And, I will continue to try and be consistent with writing.  This blog is really for me (another selfish thing I do) and I don't want to write for the sake of writing. But I do want to use it to keep myself accountable, express my thoughts, be vulnerable, learn, grow and laugh.  By consistently writing, I'll stay on track.

12.  Be healthier.  Last year, I made a goal to recommit to fitness. I was so-so in reaching that goal.  This year, I have the same goal and will strive to do better.  See also Number 2...I'm not getting those buns and those abs eating crap food.  So, mostly, I will eat cleaner and drink more water.  I'm thinking of doing a juice cleanse.  Oi vey!  But, if I do, no worries, I'll report all the juicy details. 

13.  Be an overall better friend and better person.  Don't get me wrong, I'm OK. But I could be better. I tend to be selfish (see above) and I get busy with my own needs and desires.  I see others who are way busier than me doing so much more. They take meals to friends, they volunteer, they raise children, they coach soccer teams, they lead Brownie troops, they compete in athletic events or play social sports, they do charitable things, and they make life beautiful.  I'm going to go into more situations with the mindset of how can I help others or contribute to this....rather than the mindset of what's in it for me.

In 2013, I'm going to practice what I preach and love out loud, be brave, take chances, have fun and follow my heart and dreams.  I'm not giving up on anything I want and I hope to do somethings that will inspire others to keep going, have faith, keep hope alive, do just a little more and give back.  I will look to others with kindness and heart and I will be open minded, trusting and motivated.  I've committed to these things both to myself and now to you...whoever reads this entry. There is no turning back. My cards are on the table.

2013 is going to be a great year.  I feel it and I know it.  I'm going to start living it...time now.

I think this captures my 13 things and perhaps I should have just posted this.
Thank you to the amazing person who sent this to me.  You know I love you! :-)


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