Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BFF’s forever…or not?

Have you ever had a friend that you don’t see for weeks or months or years, but whenever you do see them, it’s like no time has passed at all?  You are still the best friends you have always been.  You fall right back into those awesome feelings of friendship, comfort, trust, joy, love and fun that brought you together in the first place.  You’re immediately warmed by simply being in their presence. I have several friends like that.  They are fantastic.
Then you can have a friend who was so important to you for a period of time. You talked daily or weekly.  They were so significant you couldn’t imagine not having them in your life in any other or any less capacity.  But for one reason or another, you lose touch. You don’t talk daily and you don’t even know what’s going on in their world.  Life takes you in different directions and your connection to them fades or is lost all together.  When you do get together, you don’t fall right back into the greatness of what was. That “it” factor is replaced with reservation, anxiety, doubt and disappointment.  I had that happen last night.
One of my best friends and I have drifted apart…for reasons I still don’t really understand.  At one point, we could finish each other’s sentences.  We lived together for months. We shared her tiny space and we didn’t get sick of each other.  After moving into separate houses, we stayed close and talked daily.  We shared everything…thoughts, secrets, dreams, fears, and hopes.  We were there for each other through everything from fetal position paralyzing break-ups, frustrating family and work trials to amazing world travels and road trips, shopping for the perfect tall girl clothes, sleepovers as adults, home buying, job searches and poolside sweating chatting sessions basking in the glorious sun.  We each have an alias personality that both of us know so well about each other that those who don’t know us will believe that is who we are because we know each other that well.  We were favorite friends.
We are not favorite friends anymore.  I’m not sure how it happened.  And, frankly, it sucks.  Breaking up with a significant other usually comes with reasons for the break-up…she’s not the one, he cheated, we don’t want the same things, etc.  It seems this came out of nowhere.  And, it sucks.
Girls are supposed to stick together.  This isn’t supposed to happen. Drama between us is expected to stop after high school when we realize that we are nothing without our good girlfriends.  Being pretty or popular or landing a cute boy means nothing unless you have your BFF standing right beside you cheering you on, making sure he treats you like the prize she knows you are and then being there to help pick up the pieces when said and now, crappy, cute boy dumps you for the next best thing.
At the end of the day, I do believe that my, now seemingly former, favorite friend would be there in the event of the above mentioned dumping or any other event where only she would be the one I would call. She’s amazing like that. And, that makes this suck all the more. While she would still be there in that emergency event, she’s not there for the daily goods that life dishes.  We miss out on the little life events that gave us the ability to finish each other’s sentences.  We miss out on the amazing connection that made us favorite friends in the first place.  It’s painful, sad and gives me that break-up pit in my stomach.
I don’t believe friendships end for no reason or run their course. The real ones are lifelong.  And, I do believe we can get them back from places like this. Like all things worth having, they require effort.  They require compromise, trust, commitment, forgiveness, and most of all unconditional love.  In this case, this friendship is requiring me to take risks and put myself out there in a way, I’ve not done before.  Incidentally, that’s what continues to make this friendship worth it…even when it’s not what it has been in the past; it continues to push me to be better and keeps on challenging me. Love never fails and it is my hope that I will get my Fave Friend back.  Perhaps we just need a break from what was to discover what will be. 

xo ~ Elizabeth

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year 2012

Happy New Year!  Happy 2012...I know most people will say, can you believe it's 2012 already? Where has 2011 gone?  Time is going so quickly.  I, too, am one of those people.  Each year I seem to find myself saying time goes fast.  And, truly it does.

With the start of a new year, a lot of people also find themselves setting goals, evaluating their life or looking to start fresh.  Normally, I do that too.  For some reason this year, I didn't have any goals that were jumping out at me as must do's.  Over the past few years, I had plenty.  2006 - figure out the mess that was my life, 2007 - be happy and live free, 2008 - the year of me-do a triathlon, buy a house, donate my hair, 2009 - maintain fitness, run 10 miles, get a dog, 2010 - be happy, get stronger and train inside and out, 2011 - get out of Owings Mills.  During each of those years, continuous goals were to always cherish my good health and the time I have on this planet, to be happy and have great times, and to love with all I have.

For 2012, nothing specific jumped out at me as a must do.  All of those other things, came easily to my mind and they were no brainers.  I had to do them.  So for 2012, I looked at my life and I thought about my next goals.  It's harder when the goals just don't come to you.  The word that came to my mind on New Year's Day was Limitless.  I'm feeling limitless in 2012 so here what I have so far:
  1. Recommit to fitness.  Increase my speed, my strength and maintain excellent physical fitness.  Challenge myself to do something I've never done before.  I'm thinking something like hiking or swimming or something that is done in a warm climate. Limitless.
  2. Commit to saving some money.  Over the past 5-6 years, I've done a lot of traveling...some years taking 3 amazing trips in one year.  All fantastic, but this year seems like a good year to commit to saving a bit of $. Don't misunderstand, I'll still travel, but saving is also important, or so Suzie Orman says. Limitless.
  3. Work on my next life.  I love my current job (and frankly who wouldn't now, hello AFC North Champions) but I also want to do more. I'm going to take some classes, either Spanish or something with make-up/skin care.  I'm going to channel my other passions a bit.  Limitless.
  4. Commit to free and open communication, even if it is hard.  Honest, free, good, sometimes harsh, communication in the hopes of building stronger relationships, stronger trust and ultimately making us better.  Limitless.
  5. I'm going to commit to telling at least one person per day something good or what they mean to me. I'm going to let those I love know it. Everyday.  So if 2012 goes quickly, as I suspect it will, those who I touch will know I care about them. Limitless.
  6. And, lastly I'm going to keep writing.  I started this blog just to see how I would feel about it. I like it. So, I'm going to do it more.  Many will never read it and that's ok.  It's for me and it's ok to do things just for yourself, every once in a while. Limitless.
I hope whatever your 2012 goals are (and please make at least one) you make them happen.  I read an article by our Sr. VP of PR & CR about Coach Harbaugh's speech to our team the Saturday before we played Cinci.  He said, "There is only one way to be great.  You take it. You have to take it.  If you decide you want to be great, then you will be." That touched me because it's true.  Being great is limitless.  We have a lot of control over our lives, our happiness, our goals and our greatness.  To be great and to have a great year, you have to take it.  It's that simple.  You just have to do it. So, that's what I'm going to do.

Happy 2012! Here's to being great!
xo ~ Elizabeth