Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Oh My Aching and Other Disturbing Facts

Those of you who know me, know I enjoy a good workout. I enjoy exercising and being healthy. I'm in better shape now than I was in my 20's.  Awesome, right?  Yes, of course.

But over the last 6 months, I've notice several disturbing things.

  1. I'm hungry all the freaking time.  I drink a ton of water and it does not help.  I seriously think I have a worm or a hunger problem.  And, I'm super grumpy if I don't eat. It is not pretty people.
  2. I have more aches and pains that don't go away so quickly.  Of course, when you stress your muscles, they get sore. That's normal. They recover and get stronger...that's the purpose of overworking them. What's not normal is my that my hip stiffens up upon sitting and I look like a grandma getting up from my desk on the regular.  It's funny and painful at the same time. I refuse to accept that this ailment is age related. And, I press on.
  3. I'm more competitive than ever.  You might say to yourself, competition is good, right?  Well, yes...when it is under control, it is a good thing.  I've always been competitive with myself.  In college, I hated getting anything but A's.  I like being good at things.  For this reason I really don't enjoy doing things I am not good at.  See: beer league softball, kickball, football, etc.  I tried to practice catching fly softballs, once.
When thinking about this 3rd disturbing item, I've noticed now, that I am not only competing against myself, I find myself competing against others...namely some pretty hot cheerleaders who regularly attend my bootcamp class.  Not only are they smoking hot with straight white teeth, 12 pack abs and buns of steel (See also: how do they always have perfect spray tans, impeccable nails, rocking falsies and workout clothes that look custom made, but I digress), they are some serious athletes. They can smoke a mile run, kill the push-up drill of 150 push-ups, smash out 50 flutter kicks- full range-with perfectly pointed toes all with make-up in tack, and not looking sweaty, haggard, red-faced or worked-over after.  

This disturbing on many levels.

  1. First, I sweat like a fat dude on an August day.  It's disgusting. Even my legs sweat. 
  2. If I wear make-up to class, it's gone by the time we finish the warm-up mile. See above.
  3. I must wear a pony tale to workout. How they can run all around with their Pantene-fresh shiny hair down and flowing, is beyond me.  Me and my sweaty-heady pony tale are a hot mess within 10 minutes.
  4. I'm am completely inflexible and uncoordinated.  I'm nearly 5'9" and I have long ape arms, yet somehow I'm still unable to touch my toes.  It's ridiculous. So my legs are never straight, my toes are rarely pointed and I'm gangly when it comes to anything involving something other than moving in a straight line.
  5. These chicks are almost 20 years younger than me...GASP, GAG, HOLY SHIT. 
  6. You really want to hate them, but you can't. They are sweet, kind, nice, inspiring and they work their cute, hot buns off to have those bodies.
My competition level is at an all-time high. Not only am I competing with myself, I'm now competing with them in my head.  I don't so much care if I beat them (although it would be nice to be the abs model in class), but I want to be as good as them.  I don't want to be last. I don't want to be beaten. At a minimum, I want to keep up with them.  And, this could possibly be why I have my first and second disturbing issues...starvation and granny hips. It's a vicious cycle readers. 

As my trainer reminds me (ALL THE TIME) it's me against me.  It's not me against anyone else.  It's me doing my very best and going where I want to go.  I'm better than I was at their age.  I'm better than I was 10 years ago.  I'm faster than most women "my age"  although that's of little consolation. I can be better today than I was yesterday.  Yea, yea, yea...I know all that's true, but don't you think I can stick with them?  20 years is nothing, right??

I'm hobbling off to lunch now.


Me and one of "them" racing through ladders in March. I think this one ended in a tie. :-)

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