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Happy spirit and fun! |
2013 has been amazing so far. We won the Super Bowl (still not tired of saying it). I'm not sure I will ever get tired of saying it. And, as time goes on, when reflecting on the experience, it gets better and better. The feeling of teamwork, togetherness, family and becoming a champion brings a smile to my face daily.
Since that time, work has been insanely busy. Most companies have all year to run their HR programs. Boring I know, but bare with me...most companies have HR projects annually, compensation increases, performance reviews, hiring/recruiting, organization alignment, benefits open enrollment, etc. They have 12 months to spread these projects out. I have just about 5. Thanks to the Super Bowl, these projects were on hold. I'm certainly not complaining. But they still need to be done by July when football starts again. So, I'm busy at work. It's great to be needed too.
Personally and probably what more of this post is supposed to be about, I've had a goal for 2013 to try new and different things. In doing so, some of those new and different things well, didn't exactly go the way we would have wanted new and different things to go. But in the fantabulous twists and turns of life, they make for excellent stories and have given me a few laughs along the way.
2013 New and Different Things Bloopers and Lessons:
One Saturday afternoon, we decided to meet a friend at the Inner Harbor and do some day drinking. It was a nice day, so we arrived early to have a drink at one of our favorite Irish establishments. Bestie and I sit at the back bar to enjoy our Guinness, NCAA basketball and the view of the Harbor. We are there for 10 minutes and in walks...
Per our new zombie friends, some make-up application took over 2 hours. Talk about high maintenance!! |
Yep, that's right...a HUGE group of zombies came in and took over our Irish pub. They were out and about on a Zombie Pub Crawl. I do love a good pub crawl, but zombies? Pub crawling? It's true. Now you know. And, certainly we were not out trolling for dudes, but the idea of running into some like-minded fellow bball lovers and sharing a pint wasn't totally out of the realm of possibility, or so we thought. Turns out, not so much. Truly and to be perfectly honest, the zombies were very friendly. They even encouraged us to join their zombie pack next year.
Tempting...but no.
Exes are exes for a reason. We all know that. Historically, I've been pretty good at keeping a good relationship with my exes. They are good people and just because it didn't work out for us, doesn't mean we don't care about each other. It also doesn't mean that we can't be there for each other in times of need in friendship. Being a good friend is important.
My philosophy and practice of being nice and friendly is currently under review. Let's just say that when you remain friends with people (an ex or just a plain ole "friend") who clearly are not making good choices, it's not a good idea. Many times you can't save them and you are only bringing yourself down in trying to do so. A friend I'll always be...an idiot, no thanks. We all control our own happiness and control our choices. If someone chooses to stay in a life of unhappiness, constant arguments and unhealthy craziness, I can't help them. They have to help themselves. Last but certainly not least, this girl will never be a participant on an episode Jerry Springer. Yes, I'm saying never.
Blooper & Lesson
Many of you know, I'm somewhat of a fashionista. I like fashion and clothes and style. I can be this way because I'm only responsible for myself and my fashionista dog. I also realize that not everyone is as fashion forward as I am. It's not a crime...or is it? Any who, I went out last week with a swell dude. He took me to dinner at nice restaurant. In my fashion conscious mind, I wondered what I would wear for the days leading up to the dinner. I decided on a casual dress and sassy peep toe heels. I asked him (a question I'm sure every man hates as much as does this make me look fat?) what he was going to wear and he said jeans and a button down. Cool...we were on the same page...
Except that his jeans while neat and clean...were carpenter jeans. This begs the questions...do they still make those? Or are those his original circa 1998 Gap carpenter jeans? If so, how on earth has he kept them this long? Does he never shop? And, is he perhaps, an actual carpenter on the side?
We had a lovely time and enjoyed dinner and the O's game...but the jeans have not left my memory. He didn't eat his peas one at a time, he's not a close talker and his hands are perfectly appropriate for his body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV8pNfeAGVc And, in talking with a friend a lunch on Tuesday, jeans can be changed - easily. Why am I so jeans snobby??? Get over it...it's what's in the jeans that matters (and don't go there...we have gone no where near there). Plus I'm a Buckle Black Member, if there is another outing, a stop at the mall is likely in order.
O's Opening Day ~ The Monday before the game 100% chance of rain. The day of the game 0% chance of rain, 65 degrees and sunny. Amazing day!
Lesson- don't trust the weather. Ever.
One of the best days of the year in Charm City. See also: A day of photo bombs |
We bring the fun and grand slams. |
He texts me a few days later. I respond. He responds. I respond again. He asks me to get drinks. I say OK. I have nothing to lose. I really don't even remember what he looks like. We meet for drinks...at a place where I know people and he can't dismember me in a basement. He admits that he really didn't remember what I looked like either. We shared a few drinks. I told him my real name and my real job. He did the same. He likes sports and country music. I like sports and country music. He had on good jeans and he mentioned he was wearing them because he knows girls like good jeans on guys. It's then I realize, we can be friends. We had a fun time. Not sure I'll ever see him again, but it was new and different and it wasn't awful. #it'sabouttime
Lesson: you never know, you never know.
My Meeting Randoms Partner in Crime |
One of my dear friends is deploying for the 3rd time to Afghanistan. He's a stud, a warrior, a ninja, an amazing friend and an all around super cool good person. His sister had a beautiful baby this week too, so now he adds best uncle ever to the list great things he is. He will be meeting his beautiful niece next weekend and leaving soon after. I expect to get lots of pictures!!! I wanted to include a message of love and thank you to him in this post. We all will be anxiously awaiting his return (he's promised to take me to THB when he gets back and I'm holding him to it) and I'm hopeful he can communicate while over there. Be safe my friend. Love you tons!! Hurry home!! Thank you for protecting us!
Have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for reading about my soap opera life...I still have hopes of making it onto GH. P.S. Anyone watching the 50th anniversary episodes, reruns and the Nurses Ball? LOVE!
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